Monday, November 11, 2013

It's not up to me........and thats OK.

For the past two years I have been praying and very excited about going on this mission trip to Kenya.  I have felt the call to go and serve for years and every time I thought of it Africa seemed to be the place I landed on.  Well, circumstances / God's intervention made it where last summer I needed to post-pone the trip for a year and last week I got word that because of safety issues AIM (adventures in missions) needed to cancel the trip all together this year.  While I get that our safety is obviously very important, I can't say I wasn't bummed.  My friends and family, however, seem to be more relieved than bummed...I guess that's understandable...

I had to have a few heart to hearts with God and I'm learning, once again, that it's not up to me.  So I'd never put much though about where else I would ever want to go and serve.  If I'm being honest I never thought about anywhere but Africa, but that doesn't mean there aren't other places that I might be more useful.  I started researching other destinations and what all types of missions there were and one of the first ones I came across would be working at an orphanage helping to teach an English class and to help the children learn life skills.  I wanted to look at all of the other options, but this one kept creeping into my mind.  So I prayed about it, talked to my friends and family about it, and finally applied to see if I could even get in on the trip.  Well less than an hour after applying I got word that I was fully accepted!!  Can you guess where I'm going....

Yep, I'm headed to Romania June 7, 2014 - June 15, 2014.  And I think everyone is a little relieved that I won't be in such hostile territory....


It's a little bit of an adjustment mentally, but I am very excited that I still get to go and serve.  The type of missions I'll be doing is a perfect fit for me.  I love kids and I can't wait to go meet them!!  Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!!