Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Day weekend I got to spend with one of my favorite families, The Ivy's!!  

Growing up this was my second family, I spent countless hours at their house, many family vacations, and several amazing concerts (Elton John for example)!!  The Ivy's have a lake house on Lake LBJ and we spent the weekend flying a kite, a little Frisbee (until I got it stuck on the roof), on a Pontoon and jet ski's, oh, and I jumped off a bridge :)

Dacy, Delaney, and I went to the Dollar Store and loaded up on some fun things to do while we were on vacation.  And I must say, the $2 kite was an awesome investment.  I forgot how much fun that is and everyone joined in on the action!

 Dacy gets the credit for this awesome picture!

 Delaney's turn!!

 Dacy showing little Korbin how to fly the kite.

 She's pretty much a pro!!

Coach Ivy even got in the action....go ahead...ask him who got it stuck in the tree!!

Dacy breaking and entering to retrieve our fly-away kite!

The next morning Dacy, Delaney and I went on a little walk to the other side of the lake and we found some neat stuff along the way.

I love being out and about in nature, and it's always fun when it shows a little love back :)

Somebody got them a new pet!


Their cousin, Jeana, then took us out on the Pontoon (yes, I'm singing Little Big Town in my head as I type this) and Dacy and I (along with Dacy's younger cousins) jumped off of a bridge!!!!

That's my arm on the far right (Delaney didn't know we were jumping at the same time, but I promise it's me)!!!!

"Friends are the family you choose!"

After we got back, Dacy taught me how the drive the jet ski....although I'm not convinced she knew exactly what she was doing either!!

And of course we had a little a Frisbee action (although the wind was crazy)!!  
 And I ultimately got the Frisbee stuck on the roof....oops!

We even had yummy s'mores!! There is just something about being out at the lake that makes them taste better then any where else!!

(Can anyone spot Delaney?!?!)

I just love being out on the lake, we have several great memories growing up there and it is fun to go back and make more!!

Everyone loaded up on Monday to head back to the real world! It was great little escape to recharge everything!! 

Big thanks again to the Ivys!! I had such a good time and love getting to catch up!! Love you all!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Well sadly, birthday week is officially over.  It was a lot of fun, filled with friends and family, and good eating!!

There are several ladies who share birthday week with me at my office so on Wednesday (my real birthday) we had a potluck lunch at the office...lets just say I work at an office full of people who can cook!!  I made a sloppy peanut butter pie for the first time and it was amazing!!

We are also very festive at HDSM, so there were streamers galore around my desk on the 8th! It's a lot of fun!

Through out the day, I was pleasantly surprised by my parents and little cousins with the most beautiful flower arrangements!  I love love love flowers, they always brighten up a room and office!!

Dana and I went out to eat on Wednesday at fun little pizza place here in Waco.  I've never been and it was delicious!!  Afterwords, we watched the latest chick flick, Safe Haven.  She got me the cutest little wine topper (perfect for me :) )

I was able to take off of work on Friday and head to Sweetwater for more celebrations with my family!  Mom made my favorite chocolate cake that I have every year and my favorite spaghetti for dinner!! Can you say still spoiled at 25 years old :)  One of my favorite birthday gifts is my new headphones.  They are the Frends Headphones and they are cute and girly, and best of all they do NOT hurt my ears!!

They also surprised me with two awesome reads!!

My family loves the Duck Dynasty crew and these books only reinforce my feelings for them.  I actually vegged out and finished both books this weekend, I couldn't put them down.  (It helps that we got some rain in Sweetwater so the lake had water and I just got sit out, soak up some sun, relax and enjoy the books!!)

So needless to say this was an amazing birthday week!! I'm so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!!  Thank you all for your sweet comments and wishes!! Love you all and here is to another good year!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Birthday Week

If you know me at all, you know how much I love to celebrate any holiday...seriously...ANY holiday.  Christmas is by far my favorite time of year, but my birthday is very very close second.  And yes I'm categorizing my birthday as a holiday because I don't celebrate just one day, I celebrate for the whole week (usually a very long week for anyone involved).

Little known facts about my birthday, it is also my Mom's birthday.  How fun is that!! Also, the year I was born, May 8th landed on Mother's day.  Talk about the BEST gift ever :)

So technically birthday week started yesterday, but let the party begin!!