Monday, April 29, 2013

Cara Box

This past month I participated in my first ever Cara Box Exchange!  Kaitlyn over at Wifessionals hosts the awesome event each month and if you don't know about Cara Box you can learn more here.

This month's theme was "Go Green" and I got paired up with two of the most awesome ladies!  I had the pleasure of getting to know Amanda at MandaLoves and I had fun looking for "green" things throughout the month to put in the Cara Box I sent to her!

And I also got to know Jessa over at Life of a Sports Wife. and she sent me an awesome Cara Box surprise including a green "go green" travel cup, cute little frog bottle opener, a mani/ped kit, aloe gel (which was needed desperately today after my nose ended up burned after my outing with the family Saturday), the most adorable little note kit with a "C" and a green marker board I've already put on my fridge a filled with the grocery list :)

I really enjoyed building a new blogships (friendships) with both ladies and it was neat to see how much we had in common! I look forward to continuing getting to know them more!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

A loss for words

I woke up this morning and thought to myself, 'Can we just erase this week and try again?'  Two major events occurred, that have hit closer to home than I'd like. 

First, though I've just starting in my running, my goal is to one day run in a major marathon.  When I heard about the bombings in Boston, I froze for a second while reality set in.  I had just run in the Austin 10/20 the day before same type event, just a different venue.  My heart hurts for all of those who's entire life will forever be changed.  So many who lost limbs and lives, it's not ok.

Secondly, I live in Waco, just 15-20 miles away from West.  The explosion in West wed shook the walls of my apartment.  One of my dearest friends, Dana, is an EMT first responder and was less than 200 ft away from the blast.  She is physically ok, but I hurt for her because she lost classmates and friends.  I wish I could take away all that she saw and felt that night.  To have someone so close to me have to go through everything she has with this breaks my heart.  But I know how blessed I am to have her in my life.  She is one of the strongest people I know and I can only strive to be as brave as she is.

With so much going on in the world I realize more and more just how blessed I am.  I have, without a doubt, the BEST family and friends.  I have the ability to do any and everything I want to.  And I will never take any of that for granted! Ok, Ok, I'll step off my soapbox now :)

TGIF and here's to having a great weekend, Love you all!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Austin 10/20

This past Sunday I participated in one of the most fun races ever, the Austin 10/20.  It is a 10 mile course in Austin with 20 live bands set up roughly every half mile.  I've said it before, but I'll say it again, the atmosphere at these events is always so fun and to have live bands on stages throughout the run was so exciting!!

 There were so many people running in this race, it was by far the biggest race I've ever participated in.  This picture doesn't even show half of the people!

I ran with my co-worker Christie and childhood friend Delaney and my parents were there cheering for us at around miles 1, 6, 7 and 10!!  (This was taken before...obviously!)

Here are a few more pics from the race...I remind you this was a 10 mile race, so do not judge the sweaty look we are trying to pull off :)

 Probably mile 6 or so...but I at least don't look like I'm in pain :)

            Go Christie Go!!

And I'm start to look a little less happy :)

So so very excited that my brother surprised me!!

This look says, "I just ran 10 miles...come at me!"

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter 2013

I was fortunate to get to go home this Easter.  I love spending time with my family!  We had an action packed weekend that consisted of birthday parties, great food, arts and crafts, spa day with my Momma, and Easter Egg hunts.

The first day there it was a beautiful day outside and then within a matter of minutes after my Dad turned the sprinkler on this happened....

That's right...nothing like a west Texas spring hail storm!!  It didn't last long but I still loved it.

The next day we celebrated Austin and Alli's birthday!!

 Awesome shirt signed by Louie Vito!!! If you don't know who he is, he is a Professional Snowboarder, Olympian, and Retired Dancing With The Stars contestant!
 Me with the Birthday Tyler's birthday was a few weeks before so I'm throwing his pictures into this post as well!!

The following night we did some arts and crafts and dyed Easter Eggs!!....I may be 24, almost 25 but I still love dyeing eggs and hunting them the next day...Big Kid at Heart.

On my last day Home we got all dressed up for Easter service...and I must say, we have a good looking family :)

Finally we began our Easter Egg hunt...this year it was Alli v. T and then Stacey v. Me (I won...just saying)  My family takes this very seriously and we have been known to push, shove, and steal to get ahead....all in good fun of course :)

Like I said...big kid at heart!!

I almost forgot...check out the little guy we found on the front porch!!

Spring time baby :)  Hope you all had a great Easter weekend!!!