Well, It's officially time to start the countdown to the half marathon, this motivates me more than anything. There are only 115 days until I run my first half marathon....eeek! I am signed up to run the San Antonio Rock and Roll Half Marathon....any and everyone should feel free to join! :) I have been running here and there trying to keep changing it up a bit. Some trail runs and some street runs. Christie and I have decided to not let the heat keep us from running and we have doubled up on our water during the day and gone 3 miles right after work. I am also playing volleyball for a city league and have been going to Zumba as often as I can. I am about to throw in a few bike rides for a big change up here and there.
In other news, I have gotten back into my crafts!! Pinterest has given me more ideas than ever! I made a few little things for my bathroom...cheap candle holders, glass jars, and one pie pan. Super easy!!
I also have starting designing some new flatware...I saw this design on pinterest and LOVED it so I had to try and duplicate it myself...not too bad!
I am also in the process of repainting an old dresser that I had since I was little. It is a tall dresser and and I got a long dresser for Christmas that is black with silver hardware. I am hoping I can get the two to look like they belong together.
Also thanks to Pinterest, I have been baking more and more!!!
Homemade peanut butter fudge....this is lethal stuff!
For the 4th of July I made patriotic dipped strawberries...you can never go wrong with dipped strawberries and thanks to my cousins who had us dip them for their weddings, I am a pro :)
And I have also been making homemade cookie dough!! I'd love to say homemade cookies, but seeing how I am just like my Aunt Stacey...not a lot of the dough makes it to the oven!
And finally, I have been traveling all over Texas the past few weeks. I went to Stephenville for a fun filled day at a splash pad with part of my Dad's side of the family, I made the drive to Breckenridge for a Sunday Funday of movies with my Grandparents. My cousin Zach had a beautiful wedding in Lubbock. Laura and I have a left our mark in San Antonio. I have been to Rotan several times for various occasions and Jill and I tore up Hutto last weekend (literally).
My apartment has also been buzzing with company. My Aunt Stacey and her two youngest, Allison and Tyler, stayed with me wed-fri while they made the drive back and forth to Temple. And when they left Friday, Jill came down for a few days! And if I'm not mistaken, my parents will be here at the end of this week...whew.
So to sum everything up, life has been great!!